Abogados litigantes de Delgado


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When they forgot to clean up the spill on aisle two

Miami Publix Slip and Fall Attorney

Slip & Falls at Miami Publix

No Warning

Grocery shopping is not meant to be an inherently dangerous activity. However, some of the most common types of slip and fall accidents occur at grocery stores, like Publix. Older shoppers are particularly vulnerable to serious falls. Suffering a fractured hip can permanently disable a person who slipped on a wet floor in the produce section at Publix. If you have suffered a slip and fall or any other injury while shopping at a Publix grocery store, it is important you act quickly to protect your legal rights. Call us to speak with our Miami Publix slip and fall attorney today to see if you are entitled to compensation. 

Preventable Accidents should not happen

Proving your Case: Liability & Damages

Typical Causes of Miami Publix Accidents

Some of the most common causes of injuries in Publix grocery stores include:

  • Spilled food, broken jars, or liquids spilled on the floor
  • Zonas húmedas del suelo que no están claramente marcadas
  • Tapetes amontonados, mal colocados o faltantes
  • Puertas de entrada y salida defectuosas
  • Carros de supermercado dañados
  • Artículos que se han caído debido a estanterías inadecuadas
  • Obstrucciones en los pasillos causadas por cajas, carritos de almacenamiento, comida, etc.
  • Mala iluminación exterior o en otras áreas de la tienda
  • Baldosas agrietadas y desiguales
  • Superficies mal mantenidas en las aceras y en el estacionamiento fuera de la tienda.
  • Intoxicación alimentaria por productos caducados o alimentos caducados.

miami Publix Slip & Falls: Common Injuries

Common types of injuries to shoppers and their children include:

  • Piernas fracturadas
  • caderas fracturadas
  • Muñeca o brazo fracturado
  • Lesiones en el hombro
  • Esguinces
  • Lesiones de espalda y médula espinal
  • Conmociones cerebrales, lesiones cerebrales traumáticas (TBI)
  • Heridas en la cabeza, incluyendo fractura de cráneo, cortes, contusiones.

Consejos para maximizar su recuperación

As soon as the incident occurs, it is important that you report it to Publix management. An experienced Publix slip and fall accident attorney will advise you to be sure to document what occurred. This can include taking pictures documenting the conditions, and pictures of your injuries. Get the names and contact information of any witnesses. Many grocery stores regularly maintain video surveillance over areas of the store, both inside and outside. This security footage is also valuable to obtain.   

Types of Damages in Publix Grocery Store Injury Claims

Prospective clients typically want to know what type of compensation they can recover for accidents caused by a negligent business. Usually, slip and falls accidents caused by the negligence of Publix supermarkets consist of the following, amongst others: 

  • Gastos médicos por atención de emergencia, así como gastos médicos actuales y futuros,
  • Salarios perdidos, incluidos los salarios perdidos debido a la lesión en sí y las pérdidas de ingresos futuras previstas si las lesiones fueran graves y debilitantes,
  • Pérdida de capacidad de generar ingresos,
  • Gastos domésticos adicionales,
  • Pérdida de compañerismo y consorcio, y
  • Dolor y sufrimiento.

Si la víctima ha resultado gravemente herida y, como resultado, queda discapacitada permanente o temporalmente, puede ser complicado predecir gastos y daños futuros. Un abogado especializado en lesiones personales puede ayudar a la víctima lesionada a clasificar y calcular estos daños adecuadamente. 

Deber de diligencia y lo que se necesita para ganar su caso

Grocery stores like Publix have a duty to maintain their building and keep the premises safe for its customers and employees. These stores have a legal obligation to keep an eye out for common hazards and take care of problems before someone gets injured.

If a person has been injured while shopping at a Publix grocery store, he or she must show that the store was negligent in providing the proper level of care for all people shopping or working at the store location. To be successful, the injured party must first show that Publix had a duty of care to ensure their stores are free from any hazards that are either known to the store and store employees or should have been reasonably known. If hazards are discovered, this duty includes fixing them as soon as reasonably possible. 

In addition, Publix must have failed to meet that standard of care through negligently failing to either remove the hazard or notify patrons of its existence. Lastly, the injury must have occurred as a direct result of the breach of duty of care. It is important to have a skilled personal injury attorney on your side to ensure you receive maximum compensation for your injuries.

Hire An Experienced Miami Publix Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

En Abogados litigantes de Delgado, we have substantial experience representing clients who have suffered slip and falls and other injuries at Publix grocery stores. Our attorneys have been fighting for the rights of the injured for over a half century. This experience allows us to effectively strategize and advocate for every client we represent. Counseling clients through their most difficult times is at the core of our legal practice. 

In fact, we make sure our clients understand the process to eliminate unnecessary stress and anxiety. This is especially true for first time accident victims unfamiliar with the adversarial nature of making a claim. We believe in ensuring our clients understand exactly what lies ahead, providing them the peace of mind they need for recovery and treatment while we fight for their rights. Correo electrónico o llámanos hoy al (305) 596-7911 and speak with an experienced Florida grocery store accident attorney for a free consultation. Inscripciones virtuales disponibles.


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