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Miami Cruise Ship Injury lawyer

Virgin Voyages Accidents & Injuries

Cruise Ship Accidents


Virgin Voyages global headquarters is located in the South Florida suburb of Plantation and is the newest major player to enter the global cruise industry. Like the majority of its industry competitors, Virgin Voyages also requires that all accident cases be filed and litigated in the federal courts of the Southern District of Florida in Miami, Florida. Have you been injured while on a Virgin Voyages cruise ship? At Delgado Trial Attorneys, we have been fighting for the rights of injured cruise ship passengers and their families for over 50 years.

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Virgin Voyages Accidents & Injuries

Сцарлет лади Виргин Воиагес

About Virgin Voyages

Virgin Voyages is a company based in Plantation, Florida, owned by businessman, Richard Branson and his business partners. Legally, it is a joint venture between Richard Branson’s Virgin Group and Bain Capital. Currently there is only one ship in the Virgin fleet but it has an additional three ships on order expected to begin sailing in 2022, 2023 and 2024, respectively. 

Branson created Virgin Voyages to offer luxury cruises catered towards the adult crowd. The cruise vacation packages offered currently through Virgin Voyages are only for adults, offering parents and travelers the opportunity to travel in luxury on the open seas kid-free. 

Virgin Voyages Fleet of Cruise Ships

Virgin Voyages’ fleet includes the following vessels with a fourth vessel anticipated to debut in 2023:

  • Scarlet Lady
  • Valiant Lady
  • Resilient Lady
  • Unnamed Lady

Virgin has designated Miami as the year-round home port for the Scarlet Lady. She flies a Bahamian flag as will all three of the currently named ships. Valiant Lady will call Miami its home in the winter and will alternate with her summer home  Barcelona, Spain. Resilient Lady, the third vessel in the fleet will enter service in August 2022 and will call San Juan, Puerto Rico its winter home and the Port of Piraeus in Athens, Greece its summer residence. 

Do You Have A Claim Against Virgin Voyages?

Accidents happen. They are not always caused by someone else’s negligence. However, it is also true that evidence of a third party’s negligence will often require an investigation to determined with any certainty. Cruise lines have their onboard security officers investigate accidents to determine the cause moments after they learn a guest was injured onboard. If it is important enough for them to investigate the incident, why wouldn’t you?

Above all else, you have a right to know. You also have a right to compensation if you can prove someone else was at fault.  That’s why, if you were hurt aboard a ship or in a foreign port of call on a shore excursion, you should look into what caused the accident. In fact, that is part of the service our cruise ship accident lawyers offer to all of the clients we agree to represent.  This ensures each client is given the best chances of success based on the merits of their respective cases.

Investigations allow an experienced cruise ship accident lawyer to determine when an accident is just an accident or whether it was caused by another’s negligence. Without a doubt, knowing the difference is critical to successfully making a cruise ship passenger injury claim against cruise lines like Virgin Voyages.

Virgin Voyages: Common Injuries and Accidents onboard

Cruise lines are responsible for passenger injuries that occur both on and off the ship. Passengers who are injured while on a Virgin Voyages ship, tender, or in port should seek immediate medical attention for their injuries and should promptly report the incident. Many times, cruise lines count on passengers not reporting, and they will use the defense of “lack of reported incident” to fight a claim that is later filed.

Неке од најчешћих несрећа које се дешавају на крузерима укључују:

  • Слип анд Фаллс
  • Трип анд Фаллс
  • Несреће на пролазу
  • Утапања и несреће у базену
  • Медицинска грешка
  • Неисправна врата или опрема
  • Тендер Мисхапс
  • Несреће на екскурзији на обали

Major cruise lines, like Virgin Voyages ordinarily owe their passengers a duty of reasonable care. This duty of care includes: (1) providing a reasonable amount of security against physical harm, including criminal activity and assault; and (2) they must ensure that the ship and the equipment are in reasonable working condition, and its crew, are adequately trained to perform their assigned tasks respectfully.

Сат откуцава: савети за максималан опоравак

Cruise lines can be negligent for accidents and passenger injuries that occur both on board and on shore in a foreign port of call. If you have been injured while traveling on a Virgin Voyages cruise ship, Delgado Trial Attorneys is committed to holding the cruise line accountable for your injuries. In fact, we urge anyone who has been involved in an accident during a cruise to consult with an experienced cruise ship injury lawyer before the time periods in the ticket contracts run out.

Важни докази као што су идентитет сведока чланова посаде, ЦЦТВ снимци инцидента, подаци о морским и океанографским условима, укључујући брзину ветра и висину таласа, и учесталост реновирања бродова у сувим доковима, могу ограничити количину доказа како више времена пролази после инцидента.

Typically, some of the the most common cases on oceangoing vessels like the cruise ships in the Virgin Voyages fleet involve people who have slipped or tripped and fallen on the ship on staircases, open decks exposed to the weather like the sun decks, around the swimming pools, even in their cabins and the buffet lines. Getting hurt onboard a ship is often very expensive and medical bills can tally into the six figures, in addition to past and future lost wages. They also lose the value of their vacation and endure months or even years of pain and suffering.

Повреде задобивене на броду за крстарење, морају бити темељно документоване. Непосредно након што се несрећа догоди, следеће може помоћи да се максимизира ваш опоравак:

  • Фотографишите место несреће.
  • Обавести чланове посаде.
  • Запишите имена сведока.
  • Потражите хитну медицинску помоћ.
  • Затражите копију медицинске документације.

Искуство поверења: позовите нас данас за бесплатне консултације

Адвокати за несреће на крстарењу са седиштем у Мајамију у Делгадо судски адвокати поседују вештину коју мало који други поморски адвокат може да тврди. Конкретно, њихово разнолико професионално искуство укључујући Раул Г. Делгадо ИИ велико искуство у одбрани осигуравајућих компанија и главних компанија за крстарење и припремању њихових стратегија суђења годинама пре него што су почели да заступају жртве несреће на Флориди и путнике на крузерима и чланове посаде повређене због немара. Заједно са Раула Г. Делгада 44 године искуства са личним повредама борећи се у име повређених жртава несрећа широм Флориде, Делгадо Триал Атторнеис нуди комбинацију искуства у свим врстама личних повреда на крузерима за разлику од било ког од њихових конкурената.

Ово разнолико искуство омогућава нашим адвокатима да ефикасно израде стратегије и заговарају сваког клијента којег заступамо. Ми смо се бавили свим врстама несрећа путника на крузерима током година са фокусом на клизање, саплитање и падове, лекарска грешкаФловРидер незгоде, сексуални напади, Смрт на отвореном мору, и још. Контакт нашу адвокатску канцеларију данас за бесплатну процену случаја. Доступне су виртуелне пријаве.


Нотевортхи Постс

Лекарима је потребно сат времена да дођу до повређеног путника са крстарења Краљевског Кариба који је преминуо док је чекао да добије негу

Лекарима треба сат времена да дођу до повређеног путника са крстарења Краљевског Кариба који је преминуо док је чекао да добије негу од стране адвоката на суђењу Делгадо Догодила се трагедија

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